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The LGBT community is an all-inclusive group that is known for focusing on acceptance and inclusion. Well, that is mostly true unless you fall under the “B”, bisexuality. Apparently, the common myth that bisexuals haven’t picked a side is still out there lingering. This misconception is called “Bisexual erasure” or “bisexual invisibility.” It is isolating and is still being spread around today by ignorant people in all communities.

Being Bisexual, some liken to being an Independent as a political preference (not party). But according to a poll conducted in 2018 by Pew Research Center, Independents outnumber both Republicans and Democrats. Showing that there are many people feel they can see both good and bad in other parties. They don’t feel they have to make a design and are comfortable not being labeled.  Similarly, the Kinsey Report from 1948 (for men) and 1953 (for woman), show that the number 3 is used for bisexuality on a scale from zero -6. A newer study from 2008 shows the percentage of people identifying as bisexual were between 1–3% of males, and 2–5% of females. However, that number grew in 2011 when a group of men were studied by The Kinsey Foundation. The newer study shows that 22% of men are bisexual. The reason all of this is so important is to understand is that there are many people out in the world still trying to figure their sexual identity out and there are those that truly are attracted to a multitude of people, sexes, genders, etc. 

It can be frustrating when I hear “Well, it just means they are testing the waters” or “They can’t make up their minds” or “Ew, I wouldn’t want to be with a man who’s had a vagina,” he used another pejorative, but you get the gist. We need to stand up for everyone in our LGBT group and stop the judging based on just what you have experienced. 

My advice is to remain who you are and try to understand if someone judges you based on what you do or do not look like (Hint: Not all lesbians have short hair and wear jeans 24/7. Not all gay men carry teacup poodles and wear pink). Instead ask for others to please listen and be open if they ask respectful questions. Be willing to explain and not take it personally.

I think Kinsey was spot on when he stated, “Males do not represent two discrete populations, heterosexual and homosexual … The world is not to be divided into sheep and goats.”

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, straight or other, we are all human beings representing each other.

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