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There has been widespread debate over the past years concerning the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. While some researchers still regard the health benefits of cannabis inconclusive, medical practitioners all over the world have embraced its use. Medical marijuana is a plant-based component from the cannabis species. It has two major compounds tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). CBD and THC may appear similar in terms of their chemical composition because they both have the same molecular structure consisting of 21 carbon atoms, 30 hydrogen atoms, and 2 oxygen atoms. However, that is where the similarity ends. CBD and THC have varying effects on the human body. CBD is considered a non-psychoactive compound, while THC is a psychoactive compound which produces a “high” or sense of euphoria upon ingestion or inhalation. CBD is accredited with most of the medicinal benefits found in marijuana and are often used in the form of oils, gels, supplements, and extracts.


Statistics indicate that nearly half of the people who use medical marijuana eventually stop taking conventional medicine. A survey conducted by the Brightfield Group and HellMD found that 42 percent of medical marijuana users stop using prescription drugs and painkillers. Eighty percent found CBD products to be very effective and only three percent found the products to be ineffective. Most of the medical marijuana patients said they used CBD to treat insomnia, depression, joint pain, and anxiety. The survey dug deeper and uncovered that 55% of CBD users were women, while men were more likely to use the THC based products.

Medical issues

Medical marijuana is used to treat a variety of ailments and conditions, however, the cannabinoids found in marijuana have different effects and are therefore used differently. THC the component that causes a sense of euphoria, can help relieve pain and nausea. As a result, it is often prescribed for patients being treated for cancer or similar illnesses. According to research, THC also reduces inflammation and is popular with patients suffering from chronic joint pain or loss of appetite. It also acts as an antioxidant, boosting the immune system. CBD is an anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, antipsychotic and anti-emetic. It has been used in the treatment of Huntington’s, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease as well as hypoxia. In some cases it has also helped to relieve sclerosis, ease seizures, and limit cancer cell growth.

Federal law

Despite several states legalizing the use of cannabis, it remains illegal under federal law. The federal government regulates drugs through the controlled substances act and does not recognize the difference between the medicinal and recreational use of cannabis. Anyone found in violation can be charged under federal law.

State law

More than 15 states have legalized the use of medicinal marijuana including California, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, Arkansas, and Washington. The laws vary from state to state with some states restricting usage to terminally ill patients, while others allow both recreational and medicinal use. Distribution and sale in large amounts however still remains illegal. If you are considering adding medical marijuana to your healthcare plan, remember to research laws in your state and consult with a trusted medical practitioner. Until next time, stay irie friends!

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