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Gird your loins…there’s a new hunk in town shaking things up at Andrew Christian and putting the gay in gaymer.  Just in time to fill all your summer speedo fantasies, Andrew Christian announced adult film star Lucas Leon as the highly coveted title of Trophy Boy for 2021.  Following in the footsteps of Instagram favorites and previous Trophy Boys Cory Z, Nick Masc, Arad, and Walker, Lucas brings his Brazilian heat and even some body hair to the mix.

It’s hard to believe that this chiseled model was a self-proclaimed high school nerd – I obviously went to the wrong high school.  He found solace and joy in the gaming world and continues to get just as excited about a video game as he does about a new pair of undies.  He is a delight to chat with and gives off sweetheart energy.  Gained a little COVID weight?  You may be just his type. 

He became comfortable with his sexuality early on in life and his ease on camera for adult film work quickly made him into a fan favorite.  He is always willing to try something new and his studio scene work fits into over 32 categories…researching for this article was extensive.  Lucas caught Andrew Christian’s eye on social media with his extravagant cosplay mixed in with his boy next door looks and secret pornstar identity. Lucas was invited to be part of the Andrew Christian team at RuPaul’s DragCon and the rest is history. 

This year’s Trophy Boy festivities will look different with COVID putting a damper on the usual road tours and nightclub appearances.  Instead, fans will be able to celebrate with Lucas digitally through interviews and alternative events.  Once COVID subsides, you will no doubt be seeing Lucas come to a town near you.  In the meantime, he is blowing it up on Instagram and Twitch. 

We chatted with Lucas about becoming a Trophy Boy, his film work, and gay culture in gaming for this GED exclusive:

What do you love most about your Brazilian heritage? 

The thing I love the most about being Brazilian is how warm, friendly, and welcoming we are!!

What inspired your family’s move to the US? 

People usually come up here looking for opportunities and safety, so it was the same for us.

Was it hard to fit into the American way of living? 

It was not that hard.  My mom had relatives on the East Coast already and, at least for me, it was very easy to adapt.  I just had to remind myself that people here have some reservations when it comes to their personal space, so hugging and kissing people you just met might not be the best thing to do. [Laughs]

When did you start to realize your sexuality might be different? 

I was quite young honestly, a little baby spud.  I’ve always known I liked boys and I was never remotely interested in girls. The memories I have from that time were when I wanted to be Sleeping Beauty because of Prince Philip and Sailor Moon because I thought Tuxedo Mask was cute.

What was is your coming out story? 

I mean, I was extremely and obviously gay, so I never really had to come out to friends because I’ve always been too gay to function, ha! But when it comes to family, it was when I was around 14/15 years old, and it was 100% fine.  Peeps from Latino backgrounds tend to have some conservative views due to Catholicism and machismo, but I was very fortunate to have a very open-minded family. 

What did you learn from your first relationship? 

We are usually discovering ourselves when we start dating for the first time.  I learned how to explore my body, to see what I like and don’t like, to see what I want or don`t want and the levels of intimacy, care, and affection I expect from a significant other.

How did you get into the adult film industry? 

It was kind of on a whim.  I was like, I’m cute and money is nice and computer parts and videogames can be quite pricey…. so, let’s go!  Working in the adult industry has opened some doors and brought me closer to the community, it is not as taboo as it used to be, I guess. 

What are the biggest misconceptions about someone in the adult industry? 

There are a lot.  People sometimes just assume we are sex animals that think about dick 24/7; we are people just like everyone else, with family, friends, and hobbies outside of porn. 

What do you love about being an adult film star? 

I think it’s the connection to the community.  You end up meeting a lot of talented people, and some fans are very sweet.  I’m usually a little shy around people I don’t know if you can believe that!  But it’s nice to know that what I do on screen can make people feel very good, even if it is just for a little while.   

What do you not love about being an adult film star? 

…the judgment from a small number of gay men in the community.  I think it’s mindboggling to dehumanize and diminish someone based on their occupation because it is a little unorthodox and different. We all belong to a minority group and we are attacked left and right for not fitting into the normalcy of hetero/cisgender standards, why be so mean to your brothers and sisters, you know?

Photo Courtesy of Andrew Christian

What have you learned the most about yourself from being in the adult industry? 

It may be unfortunate, but I learned that people who really love you will accept and stay beside you and support that choice. It’s not uncommon for other performers to lose friends, family, and even significant others over their job. I started valuing people that love me and accept me for who I am and not what I do… way more than I used to.

How did your fascination with gaming start? 

I was introduced to Super Nintendo when I was 4 and, honey, it was everlasting love at first sight! Gaming is extremely present in my life, heck, even the last name of my stage name is based on a videogame character!

What do you love the most about gaming? 

I really enjoy the idea of being immersed in fantasy and being able to do fantastic and magical things! The more games I played, the more interested and invested I got into them, especially the ones with well-written storylines and character development. The idea of being a hero that could change and save the world was incredible and very appealing to me, that’s why I tend to gravitate towards adventure and Japanese role-playing games. 

What is the gay culture in gaming like? 

We do have a more mainstream gaming community right which is amazing; I think it’s very important to have safe spaces for LGBTQ+ gaymers. Unfortunately, it is not all rainbows and butterflies – some gaming communities are infamous for being extremely toxic towards female and/or queer players, but it is changing… slowly but surely. There are also events geared towards that audience in the largest cities I’ve lived in like Sao Paulo, Boston, San Diego, and LA  – we always have a little gaymer night at a bar or two, small but still there. Something that’s also very important to mention is that the industry started to have some more positive and empowering queer representation in games, well-written characters that are not just some minor quota inclusions, and even love stories between LGBTQ+ characters.

Do you remember your first pair of Andrew Christian underwear?

I do!  They were red briefs.  I’m simple – I like comfy, and red is one of my favorite colors. 

What was your first reaction when you found out you were this year’s Trophy Boy? 

I was shocked.  I always think of myself as the super-buff one but kind of quirky, so I was definitely surprised.  I love that they’re crowning people with different personalities, it’s fun!

How do you plan to use your title of Trophy Boy for good? 

I want to be able to reach the geeky and nerdy audience because I never had something like that when I was that little gaymer teenager.  I want to be able to bring people like me closer to the community and maybe introduce that side of the community to the ones that are oblivious to it. 

What does being a Trophy Boy mean to you? 

I think it’s a big responsibility when you’re in the spotlight of something that big – you need to make sure you are trying to make a difference out there. In the age of social media, influencers can’t be silent about injustices and the unfairness that’s out there in the world.  Sure, you’re going to follow me because of the half-naked, skin-tight underwear pics but that also comes with a lot of politics, social justice activism, and the push of a progressive and fair agenda when it comes to society. We are LGBTQ+ and our existence is political, the internet has such incredible power these days and it would be a waste to be just a pretty mannequin when there’s a platform that enables us to bring light to change and pushing things forward so that everyone can be treated fairly and with dignity. 

Is it true you like bears?  ROAR!

Ooooooooh girl, here comes the good stuff!  I do like bears – a lot – too much for my own good!  To be quite honest, very hairy has always caught my attention (we don’t discriminate here, otter and wolves are welcome too!). It’s the time for chubscular (is that even a word?) men get the attention they deserve! There’s something about big, furry, strong, cuddly men that are proud of having some tum tum that makes me woof! 

Do you think body positivity in the LGBTQ community is getting better? 

Finally, right?! There’s still a lot of shaming when you don’t fit certain pre-established boxes that society tells you to fit in. We are lucky to be in a time in which people are more comfortable and able to express who they are. Men and non-binary peeps playing with their expression of gender are being slightly more accepted and incorporated into the mainstream (baby steps still, but hey), people with different sizes and ethnical backgrounds are being role models. When society shapes the notions of beauty to a broader spectrum, it just benefits everyone. Nobody should be pressured to be something because they were told to do so – we need to be what makes us happy. I’m not the best person to talk about that since I pretty much fit the cookie-cutter standard. I am a gay male, even though I have very feminine mannerisms and my expression of gender is mostly always masculine.  I’m Latino, but I am quite white-adjacent because my skin is lighter than my peeps. I was that little emo kid in high school that was bullied because I didn’t like what I was supposed to like at that age (cars, violent sports, etc.) so it’s very, very reassuring to see role models that are just like you in a positive angle. 

What do you want to be doing in 5 years? 

I want to be a cosmetic nurse! But I’m taking my time making that move to avoid very scary student loans! 

What is your message to your fans?   

Treat everyone with kindness and celebrate the differences (the positive ones, hate speech is not a “difference” it’s straight out bad, mama), try to compete less with people and focus on working with the community instead of against it. Also, send me all your funny memes on Insta please, I love them!

You can follow Lucas on IG: _potatosenpai

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