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Are you tired of feeling like you’re simply going through the motions? Perhaps the monotony of your everyday life has you feeling depressed and unfulfilled? Unfortunately, a lot of people think this way. They feel like their only objective is to work, pay bills, and one day pass away. However, existing instead of living leads to wasted time and missed opportunities for true happiness. No matter how cliche it sounds, life is meant to be experienced to the fullest. 

How do you get out of this rut, cycle, or mindset of simply existing? Check out the advice below. 

Be Honest About Who You Are (And Love It)

There is no perfect person on the face of this earth. No matter what people, the media, social media, or society likes to tell you, everyone has flaws, faces challenges, and makes mistakes. Be honest rather than pretending to be something you’re not or portraying a lifestyle you don’t lead. Sure, you have imperfections, make mistakes, and deal with obstacles, but you’re a fantastic person uniquely made to handle it all. 

When you’re open and honest about who you are and learn to love every part of yourself, you feel encouraged to live instead of merely existing. 

Identify Your Passions And Purpose

Why would anyone want to strive to live a fulfilling life if they don’t know their purpose? It’s time to discover what lights your fire. What qualities, attributes, and skills do you possess that positively contribute to society? What problems can you solve? What experiences can you draw from to help others? 

Don’t be afraid to dream big as you think about these questions. There is nothing you can’t do if you put your mind to it. Are you passionate about the environment and want to use your skills to start a nonprofit that educates the community on eco-friendliness? Go for it! Perhaps you want to turn experiences as a member of the LGBTQ+ community into a blog that provides support for others. At the end of the day, when you identify your passions and purpose, you have a foundation that inspires you to live. 

Leave “Society” On The Sidelines

A life lived based on the opinions and expectations of others is a horrible existence. It’s exhausting and impossible to accomplish. This type of lifestyle ultimately leads to disappointment, despair, and resentment. It’s time to put society on the sidelines. While this doesn’t mean you should stop caring about others or that getting an outside opinion can’t be helpful, it does mean reducing the power society has over your life. 

Start living for yourself and be unapologetic about it. Make decisions that add value to your life and purpose. Most importantly, do what you enjoy and continue to pursue happiness every day. 

Let Go Of The Past And Get Help, If Necessary

Likely one of the most significant factors that keep you in a rut is your past. When you allow things you’ve experienced to be the center of attention, it weighs on you emotionally and physically. Before you know it, you go from existing to trying to survive everything from health problems to mental illness and addiction. 

Let go of your past. Accept it for what it was, learn what you can, and heal open wounds. If you need assistance, whether from a relative, friend, support group, therapist, religious leader, mentor, life coach, or a suboxone detox center and other addiction programs, do what you must to move on. When the past is no longer a factor, you’re inspired to step out and take a chance on life. 

You were not put here to simply exist. Your primary purpose in life is not to work to pay bills. Survival is only part of the equation, not a constant. Living life to the fullest becomes the overall objective when you understand these concepts. As you begin to choose living over existing, you’ll discover how precious and worthwhile life really is. 

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