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You may have seen JoJo Guadz on Vanderpump Rules, you may be a fan of his Instagram, or you may have seen him pop up at any given nightclub in Southern California, but you certainly know his twerking. Called the Prince of Twerk, his assets have earned him a place at the LGBTQ table of influencers and, this month, you will see him as a Go-Go Judge on Jonny McGovern’s latest reality show, Go-Go for the Gold, a Drag Race-like competition show featuring go-go boys of every style.

Dancing in the public eye is nothing new for JoJo. At the early age of 18, he would start his career. Not only would his first adult gig help him create his style of performing, but it would also serve as a testing ground for future life choices.

I really wanted to work as a dancer at Hunkomania because obviously, I had a passion for dancing, especially the “Magic Mike” style of dancing. So, it was a great way for me to explore that aspect of my personality. But I really wanted to work there because I felt so sheltered by my parents my whole life and was ready to grow up. Don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining, I’m very blessed to be raised the way I was, by 2 parents who loved me and only sought to provide protection and comfort, but when I turned 18, I was ready! This experience helped me prepare for the crazy life I was about to live. I learned how to take public transportation to the city, which was terrifying to me at first, I was exposed to a lot of drugs, and it was the start of learning how to say no to things that I knew were bad for me, and honestly, it was just a great time! I think a con to that experience was being 18 walking through the city at 2 am with a wad of cash in my pocket. It was a little traumatizing, I was constantly harassed and followed. It instilled anxiety in me to constantly keep my guard up.

While he was coming into his own as a performer, he was becoming in tune with his sexuality.

My coming-out story is all over the place. I started originally by coming out to some of my closest friends and family throughout the years but remained “in the closet.” It wasn’t until I was ready to move to Los Angeles that I decided it was time to let everyone know, and by everyone, I mean my dad. There was a random night I found myself watching TV on the couch with my dad and out of know where he said to me “JoJo, you know you could talk to me about anything, if you have any questions, or if anything is going on in your life you need help with.” Little did he know I was about to tell him the most shocking news of his life. And that is what happened. I said, “really dad, anything?” He said, “yes, anything” and I replied with “Well, I’m gay.” He didn’t take it too well at first but luckily my mom, who is literally my best friend on the planet, stood up for me throughout the whole process. Her exact words were “If anyone thinks they’re gonna break up my family, they will be the one who is out.”

Part of that family dynamic was cultural. JoJo is a proud Italian, embracing the family values, food, and energy of the culture. But with that culture, also comes an idea of what a man acts like.

Being an Italian I have had a struggle dealing with the masculine vs feminine aspects of being gay. For one, my family had a large expectation of me “not to change” when I first came out. Over analyzing everything I said and did after moving to LA. They even had expectations of the men I dated and friends I spent time together with, to be masculine, of course. Throughout the years they have grown to love and accept all aspects of my life as a gay man living in West Hollywood. They love all my friends, especially my drag mother Rhea Litre, which is crazy for me to see how far they’ve come to love and accept gay people!

One of JoJo’s first long-term boyfriends would bring him across the country to Los Angeles. After the relationship abruptly ended, he was left with no place to stay, no family, and no connections. His desire to stay in LA and make a name for himself brought him into the club scene. There he found a place in the LGBTQ community, a way to pay his bills, and, most importantly, his drag family. Sticking to his morals, he was not consumed by the nightlife, but became a leader in it. While others have an idea of what our community’s club scene is all about, JoJo has made his own reality.

The biggest misconception people have about LGBTQ nightlife is that you have to do drugs to fit in. I think it is very important to stay true to yourself and stick to your guns. You do not have to do anything you don’t want to do and if someone puts that pressure on you, you have to let them go because that is not a friend you want in your life.

JoJo Guadz (photo by Shaun Vadella)

Soon his signature dance moves would earn him the title “Prince of Twerk.” Never presented in an overtly sexual manner, he has professionally studied and even taught the finesse of the perfect twerk. Though a consummate musician and now actor, his twerking is a staple in any social media post, event, and even TV appearance. Does he feel overshadowed by the twerking?

It’s so funny because I feel like people are constantly telling me “You’re so much more than just twerking.” I always stick to just that because it’s what’s comfortable for me, but people are always asking me to give them more of “the front side.” I have been exploring more of “my front side” lately and I gotta shout out (director) Tony Directs because he really has helped me explore my personality and talent as an actor!

With all the talk about body positivity in the LGBTQ community and with a number of us filling out during COVID, how does JoJo deal with the pressure of his body being showcased front and center?

Body issues have been something I have struggled with my entire life. Growing up as a kid my body naturally gained weight very easily and I was picked on for it most of my life. Once I turned 18 and started working out and realized I could do something to change the way I looked I really went for it. I am the type of person who is constantly going to the extreme, so if I’m gonna “cut” and lose weight I would always go to the extreme and honestly hurt myself in the long run. This is still something I struggle with daily but, as I grow older, I learn to love and accept myself the way that I am!

While West Hollywood with nightlife essentially shut down during COVID, JoJo returned home to his family. He cataloged his return home on his social media. He used the time to take a breath, revamp, and yes, twerk even more.

I had mixed feelings about going back home during Covid. But it ended up being the best decision I ever made! I was apprehensive about it because my dad is a diabetic and so I knew going home I was going to be quarantined, but I knew I needed a good reset and this was the perfect opportunity to do just that. I stayed with my parents for eight months where I was not allowed to leave the house besides doing my daily cardio and sometimes visiting my brother and sister-in-law, but I wouldn’t go inside their home. We would sit in the backyard at least 10 feet away from each other whenever I did go visit them. With all this free time, I knew it was the perfect opportunity to work on my side hustles! For one, I worked on my social media almost tripling my following. I taught myself how to record my own music and I purchased beats online and created a whole EP which should be coming out soon. I also turned my parents’ basement into a recording studio and created a four month long twerk training program where you get two classes a week every week for four months. All in all, I really was so happy I decided to move back home during the pandemic. But the best part was the priceless opportunity to get to live with my parents and really spend quality time with them one more time! I moved out when I was 19, so I feel like I missed out on a lot and all that time we spent really made up for some of it!

JoJo Guadz (photo by David Avalos)

His latest project is serving as a judge for Go-Go for the Gold competition show on OUTtv.  Show host and creator, veteran entertainer Jonny McGovern, reached out to JoJo on Instagram. Before he knew it, he was filming, and the result is a delicious mix of dancing men, inclusivity, and a dash of tea.

The filming experience was honestly incredible!! I really enjoyed everyone that was cast and the whole experience was all around just a good time! I mean who doesn’t want to be in a room with a bunch of hot go-go boys for hours a day!

I think the biggest thing you should take away from the show is that there are so many different things that make us all uniquely sexy. The important thing is being confident and owning it! Also, go-go boys are more than just pieces of meat for your amusement. They have so many redeeming qualities that make them true superstars in their own right! Beyond the looks and talent, you’re going to see a side of go-go boys you never have before!

As an impresario of dance moves, what is his best advice?

The essentials for the perfect twerk is learning how to properly move your hips and your legs simultaneously to really create movement. I always say twerking is an illusion and the more your booty moves the better your twerk looks!

Of course, everyone wants to know. Is JoJo single?

Love and dating are not a priority in my life right now. My main focus is the money! Don’t get me wrong, I am definitely a hopeless romantic. I have dreams to get married and start a family one day. But I don’t think it’s my time for that!

Twerking and working, JoJo will undoubtedly have a busy Pride season ahead of him. This year, with the return of in-person events, JoJo is focused on bringing the community together.

I think the biggest issue facing our community is the lack of support gay people have for one another. We have to stand together and support each other more to help make our dreams a reality!

And his message to his fans this Pride?

Always stay true to yourself! Pursue the things you love most because you have one life, and you have to live it for yourself. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t do something or be something!

You can follow JoJo on IG: @JoJoGuadz 

And be on the lookout for Go-Go for the Gold on OUTtv.

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