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It’s unnerving that we live in a society where people can’t be their authentic selves. No matter your gender or sexual orientation, you should have the right to lead the lifestyle you want. Unfortunately, many governments, religions, cultures, and society place unprecedented restrictions on the LGBT+ community, leaving millions of people to feel trapped, isolated, unworthy, fearful, and hopeless. 

If these realities bother you, you may wonder what you can do to help. Although you can’t change the laws and opinions of the world, you can get involved and support the LGBT+ community. Below are some meaningful suggestions. 

Educate Yourself (And Others)

Knowledge is power. The most significant way to support the LGBT+ community is to get educated. Whether part of the community or not, education ensures you have the most accurate information to provide more effective support. 

Read literature from reputable sources, like charity organizations, advocacy groups, and mental health platforms. You can also gain insight by talking to LGBT+ members in your family or neighborhood.

As you learn more about the LGBT+ community, share it with interested parties. It could develop a pattern that encourages people worldwide to get educated and lend a helping hand. 

Petitions And Protests

Federal and state government officials are constantly implementing changes to laws that affect the livelihood and well-being of the LGBT+ community. From protection against violence and transgender rights to religious freedom and discrimination in housing, healthcare, adoption, and the workplace, the LGBT+ community faces an uphill battle to achieve equality. 

You can show your support by signing petitions, writing letters to your local government, and attending organized protests.  As there is power in numbers, your voice and opinion can do a lot to help make a significant change. 

Mentor LGBT+ Youth

While the entire LGBT+ community can use your support, it’s the youth that suffer the most. Coming out as an adolescent is emotionally challenging, and when their families, friends, peers, and authority figures reject them, it leads to isolation, depression, and in extreme cases, suicide. They need the support of others to get through these difficult times. 

There are various ways to give your time and attention to teens in the LGBT+ community. You can volunteer at a school, community center, or non-profit organization and assist with homework, chaperone trips, or simply provide a listening ear to those in need. If you have a special trade, skill, or talent, you can use your resources to develop programs for LGBT+ youth in the neighborhood. 

Another meaningful way to support teens is to work with their parents. Perhaps your knowledge and experiences can help them find resolve with their families. For example, if a teen identifies as transgender and wants to talk to their parents, you could serve as the mediator to ensure the conversation is healthy. If mediation doesn’t work, you could also recommend teen trans mental health services to provide them with professional support and a network of families going through similar experiences. 

Use Your Purchasing Power

While businesses should be diverse and inclusive, that’s not always the case. Many members of the LGBT+ community are discriminated against in the workplace and as consumers. When you hear of these reports, use your purchasing power to take a stand. 

Write letters, share social media posts, and avoid doing business with any company not willing to treat everyone equally. As a company’s success relies on sales, your demands could put enough pressure on them to make changes. 

Be Kind In Public (And Private)

It’s one thing to say you support the LGBT+ community and another to show it through your actions. Whether you’re amongst friends and family or out in public, remember to be kind. Treat them as human beings and stand up when you see them being treated unfairly. Your courage could be exactly what they need to feel better about themselves. 

It’s unfortunate that the world places unfair pressures on people that are simply trying to live their lives. While it may take time for substantial change to take place, you can take steps like those listed above to help the LGBT+ community get the rights and respect they deserve.

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