DAVID REESE – News Director, NBC Palm Springs

“For me, Pride is self-realization. It’s the freedom to celebrate who I am… without fear of what anyone else thinks. Coming out of the closet was one thing, but truly learning to love myself took years. It’s easy to internalize the negative things directed at the gay community, even though we live in one of the most inclusive places in America. But when you finally get to a place where you can say, ‘If you have a problem with my sexuality, it’s your problem, not mine’ and really mean it, you’re living your pride. So, for me, that’s the true meaning of Pride.”

As the news director at NBC Palm Springs, Reese strives to capture the full spectrum of the queer experience.

“I really work hard to ensure that NBC Palm Springs is inclusive year-round. That’s not an agenda; it’s a recognition of this community and what’s been happening around here for years that was generally overlooked by mainstream media. For Pride, we’ll cover as many different community events as we can. And one of the directives I always give the news staff is to make sure our coverage is reflective of the diversity within the LGBTQ community. TV News can tend to gravitate to the extremes… showing the almost naked guys dancing on a truck or Dykes on Bikes. And while they’re part of our community, they’re not representative of everyone. If we’re going to show those images, I also insist we show same-sex couples with their children and PFLAG and other members of the community, so our coverage is truly representative… and not gratuitous or sensational.”

His messaging is simultaneously refined and rebellious.

“Now more than ever, we must stand up and be seen,” announces Reese. “Just look at the trans community. I’ve heard comments like ‘That’s new, they weren’t around when I was young.’ Uh, yes, they were. They were just forced to hide in the shadows so you didn’t see them. Now they’re organized and mobilized, and we need to stand with them. They’re taking a huge amount of heat and when any of us are threatened, we’re all threatened. This is not a time to take our civil rights for granted; there are organized efforts across the country to take them away. Our neighbors and friends need to know us and understand our fight so they can support us. Staying silent is not an option.”

Living out loud is David Reese’s lens, and his POV is a kaleidoscope of dazzling diversity.

“Pride has so much to offer that everyone can find their thing and their tribe,” Reese summarizes. “Who doesn’t love making new friends in unexpected places? However you ultimately decide to celebrate Pride, I hope it’s more than just a party. I hope it makes you feel connected to the larger community. Because at the end of the day, isn’t that what we’re all looking for? To be included.”

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