ETHLYINA CANNE (aka Jeffrey Ewell) – Queen of Bingo and Drag Ambassador

“Pride to me is so much MORE than partying and parades. It is a time to celebrate the diversity of others and myself. In the world we live in today, every walk of life, every gender, every color of skin, EVERYBODY attends Pride festivals and thank goodness they do. Pride is a time for me to come together with others and celebrate being free to just be. It is a time for JOY, which for those who know me, know that I’m always up for those moments.”

And her triumphant track record proves it.

“I had the absolute honor of being last year’s ‘Community Grand Marshal’ in the parade and had a very robust performance and appearance schedule. This year will be toned down a bit, but Saturday you can catch me at the local Kiehl’s store in downtown Palm Springs. This in-store event will take place between 1pm and 3pm. I use Kiehl’s skin care religiously and love all the products. At 51 years young I need to take care of my skin more than ever. I mean, this face has got to stay right and tight for at least 10 more years, as I’m nowhere near ready to hang up these heels. We will be doing in-store skin assessments, helping customers with targeting areas of their skin they are concerned about, as well as having some fabulous raffle prizes and sample items to try out.”

Like a lingual ballerina, Canne pivots our convo from the heights of exploration to the depths of the discrimination we now face.

“Well unless you live under a rock, you are aware of the mission to roll back basic human rights of the LGBTQ+IA in this country. I am still in shock at the recent hate that has come out towards our community and especially the ‘Anti-Drag’ laws which are completely ludicrous and unjustified. Drag has been around forever. I mean even one of the Vice President candidates in this upcoming election has recently had a picture of himself in ‘drag’ surface. We are not trying to groom your children. We are not trying to turn your children gay, and we certainly aren’t performing for an audience of them in a bar that is 21 and over. DRAG IS NOT A CRIME. What is a crime is the fact that some priests are molesting young boys, creating a lifelong issue of trauma and mental health issues for them. And the kicker to this crime… they don’t get arrested; they just get moved to another church and get to do it all over again. And don’t even get me started on those beauty pageants where the three-year-old contestants look to be about 30 years old. Now that, my friends, is the definition of ‘grooming,’ not the drag queen at brunch or story hour spreading some JOY. In this present day, I believe PRIDE is MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER. If you would like to donate to help fight these awful initiatives, please donate to the ACLU Drag Defense Fund.”

When asked what elements of Palm Springs Pride inspire her, Ethylina dons her signature aw-shucks aplomb and answers, “My gosh where do I begin with this question? I am inspired by kindness and acceptance. The overwhelming majority of community members that give back to every organization they can, when given the chance. The pride in the people who live in this desert oasis, and the diversity of the people who choose to call this place home. I feel so lucky to be living amongst so many wonderful people, that I sometimes have to pinch myself and ask, ‘Is this really the place I get to call home?’ I am so grateful every day for the opportunity to do so, and the community here is what makes it so special.”

On behalf of said community, we thank you back times infinity, Ms. Ethylina Canne, and we give you the last word on Palm Springs Pride: “It’s really quite simple: Be you! Be fabulous! …and don’t let ANYONE try and dull your light. Get out there and spark some JOY in others. That JOY will come back to you more and more when you do so, and those are the moments that truly matter in this life.”

You can also find Ethylina on the second Sunday of the month at The Roost Lounge for Ethyl’s Place Bingo presented by GED Magazine.

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